Hello and Welcome!

I am angeles cornejo!

From chaos to fulfillment!

Who who’ve thought that I’d be guiding, teaching, supporting and coaching at a corporate level?

Who who’ve thought I’d be teaching the Universal Laws to so many people around the globe?

20 some years ago, I was still lost, wondering why bad things kept happening. I had so many questions, yet no answers. That’s wen my fathomdynamist search began and with every lesson, I managed to learn and understand the Sacred Teaching, the Greatest Teachings and the Universal Truths that only few still know.

During my serach-quest, I had many doubts but greater was my curiosity!

In every turn, there was a sacred teaching; from Jesus Christ’s teachings, Ancient scriptures, reknowned, Gurus, great phylosophers, quatum physics, Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Eckhart Tolle, Jose Luis Parise, Ancient Cultures, spiritual paths and so many experts. They all contributed to my learning and my life became fulfilled!

The application of the Universal Law combined with the Sacred Teaching of Christ, is the key to have life work for you and not against you.

Once I realized the universal truths, I knew it was something so incredible, that I must share with whomever i ready to learn!

Each Universal Law can give you a better life or a worst life.

Once I understand what all this kowledge meant, I began sharing it with those who were stuck in their limiting beliefs.

Our thoughts determine our life quality. It all begin with thought. Controlling our mind is one of our gratest challenges in life and knowing how to do it, is a game changer.

And this is one of the greatest tachings that my clients come to me to learn from.

I guide them and share with tehm how every and each Universal Law can be applied, so they can experience a life with meaning, purpose, joy and greater fulfillment.


My Calling!

Having taught Adult and Teenage ESL students for more than 30 years, I was always challenged by their questiongs regarding their issues, their personal struggles, their limiting beliefs.

I was always supporting them in their ‘apparently’ chaotic world.

I became their trusteed personal psychlogist, their life coach, their spiritual coach, their sacred codes coach and of course their metaphysics’ teacher.

The more I helped my students, the more people would come to me and I joyfully saw and experienced the Universal Lawas working for me:

The Law of Attraction,

The Law of Vibration,

The Law of Cause and Effect,

The Super Power Law,

The Law of Oneness, etc.

Everything I had learnt, led me to who I am.

I am a mentor, a teacher, a coach, a guide, an accountability partner, an instructor and it’s been my calling since 32 years ago.

Client after client, they all show me gratitude for helping them make their personal transition of a life of suffering toa life of hope and success.

Why choose me as your guide, teacher, mentor, trainer, accountability parter, consultant or coach?


I know what suffering means, and also experienced the feeling of lost in a chaotic world.

I had to learn! I dedicated more than 20 years to reserach and if what I know now, can help, guide and support you, then I invite you to stop suffering.

I am a Metaphysics teacher & trainer, a Life Coach, a Spiritual Coach, a Sacerd Codes Coach and I’m here, willing to guide you on making for yourself a better world.

As a Metaphysics teacher, I’ll guide you and teach you how to use the Universal Laws in your favor and to acknowledge your true nature.

As a Life Coach, I can support you in all areas of life including habits, behaviors and enviroments. Further more I can become your, accountability partner and help you with goal setting. I was trained by the best coach Mr. Kain Ramsay.

As a Spiritual Coach, I can guide you into your identity transition and limiting beliefs, life’s purpose and meaning of your existence and achieve goals.

As a Sacred Codes Coach, I acan teach you a new path to enlightment and teach you the sacred codes that fasten the  manifestation process.

As you believe, shall be!

Finally, know that with the correct tools, we can get closer to your desired life! You’re learning journey is next!